all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 4DD 0 53.432539 -2.892781
L12 4UZ 0 53.435465 -2.889696
L12 4XA 0 53.432884 -2.897063
L12 4XB 0 53.432366 -2.896691
L12 4XD 0 53.433235 -2.895836
L12 4XF 1 53.435525 -2.892542
L12 4XG 0 53.434328 -2.895151
L12 4XH 0 53.433654 -2.896326
L12 4XJ 0 53.434887 -2.894817
L12 4XL 0 53.435152 -2.894326
L12 4XN 0 53.434998 -2.896821
L12 4XR 0 53.437271 -2.891886
L12 4XS 0 53.435186 -2.895771
L12 4XT 0 53.436778 -2.891997
L12 4XU 0 53.436382 -2.890919
L12 4XW 0 53.435993 -2.89487
L12 4XX 0 53.435706 -2.891131
L12 4XY 1 53.437075 -2.889609
L12 4XZ 0 53.435861 -2.889614
L12 4YA 0 53.436123 -2.891802